International Jazz Seminars and concerts in Banska Bystrica
|?? Fakulta m?zick?ch umen?
Ul. J. Koll?ra 22, Bansk? Bystrica, Slovensko
International Jazz Seminars and??concerts at the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica (Slovakia) on 06-07 December, 2007
Artistic manager: Vikt?ria Herencs?r
(President of the CWA)
6. December 14.00 ??? presentation of the participants
15.00-17.00 workshop with Gy. Martonosi (Hungary) – Drummer
18.30 ???The jazz in the classical music???
concert of the students of V. Herencs?r
7. December
9.00 ??? 12.00 workshop with??M. Comendant (Moldova) ??? cimbalom
14.00 ??? 17.00 workshop with??E. Toma?tik (Czech R.) ??? cimbalom
18.30 concert by Comendant, Toma?tik, Martonosi
and jam session with the participants
Everybody are welcome!
Participation fee for the member of the CWA: 10 EUR
Fee for the foreigners: 30 EUR
Accommodation: 10 EUR/ night /person in the youth hotel
Deadline of the application is 25. November 2007
Inform?cie: Iveta Mi?aniov?
Tel: +421-48-4320317
Fax: +421-484145109
Gy?rgy Martonosi (Hungary)
He is the director of the music school ???Drum-Art???. He was the editor of the news ???Zen?sz??? through 11 years, after he was the artistic director of the news ???Dobosmagazin???. He was the organizers and the participant at the many national and international drum courses. He wrote some drum schools. He is one of the represent of the cymbal ???Sabian???and drums ???Tamburo???in Europe. He is the member in the ???Trio Olamar???, in the ???Muck Ferenc Trio???and in the ???Kaltenecker-Martonosi duo???. He got ???Golden mallet??? prize in 2006.
Marcel Comendant (Moldova)
1987 ??? 1998 he was the student at the music school ???Ciprian Porumbescu??? in Ki?i??ove (Moldova) under the leading by Varnavii Comendant and Valeriu Lu??????2000 ??? 2005 he was the student of Vikt?ria Herencs?r at the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica. He was the winner of many international competitions. Now he is the member of the PACORA Jazz Trio in Slovakia.
Eduard Toma?t?k (Czech Republic)
He learnt cimbalom in the Conservatory of music in Brno. After, he studied choir conducting at the Academy of Music ???Jana??ek??? in Brno by doc. Josef Pan???k and orchestra conducting by prof. Otakara Trhl?k and by J?n Zbavitel. ???He was the assistant at the choir of the Theatre ???Jana??ek??? and the choir of the Academy of the Music in Brno from 1996 till 1998. From 1998 he is the artistically leader in the chamber ensemble Societas Incognitorum. He plays jazz music on the cimbalom with the pianist Petr Tarkay. The name of the duo is T.T.PROJECT. They had many concerts in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia. From 2005 he teaches chamber music, old music and jazz music at the Conservatory of music in Krome????.
Application form
International Jazz Seminars and concerts
6-7 December 2007
Member of the CWA: yes* no*
Accomodation: yes* no*
Number of the night :
Date of the Arrival : ???????????????????????????????????
Date of the Departure:???????????????????????????????????
Date: ………………………………… Signature: ………………………………..
* Please, underline!
Send the application to the Academy :