International Cimbalom concerts in Budapest
|There are international cimbalom concerts organized with the help of the Cimbalom World Association
on 17th October at 17 o’clock in the Culture House „Dózsa”
( Budapest, XVII., Pesti út 113. Information and ticket through the telephon: 2564626, e-mail:
and on 22nd October at 19 o’clock in the Fono Musichouse
( Budapest XI., Sztregova u. 3. Information and ticket: 2065300,
The programme of the concerts are the difference style of the music from the classical to the jazz.
The hostess of the programme is Viktória Herencsár, president of the CWA. Her guests are from Slovakia, Czechia, Moldavia, Ukraina, Israel and Hungary.
In the both locale are exhibition about the history and the types of the cimbaloms.